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SAMM Benchmark Top Ten: lessons learned

speaker picture

Aram Hovsepyan



Understanding industry benchmarks is crucial for enhancing software security practices. This presentation offers initial insights from our benchmark initiative using SAMM, based on 25 datasets.

Discover key trends in demographics and scoring, highlighting common challenges and successful strategies across various sectors. Learn about averages as well as top and bottom scoring activities, and some theories about what all these mean.

We aim to collect data from at least 100 organizations to release a comprehensive report. Your participation is vital. Contribute your dataset anonymously and help us build a robust, industry-wide benchmark. Join us to explore these critical lessons and advance your organization’s security initiatives.

Speaker bio

Aram is the founder, CEO of Codific and a security and privacy expert. He has over 15 years of professional experience in designing and building complex software systems by explicitly focusing on security. He believes application security is a holistic discipline. Aram has a PhD in cybersecurity from DistriNet, KULeuven which provides him with a broad knowledge of the security landscape. Throughout his academic years he has mainly focused on privacy threat modeling and streamlining the LINDDUN methodology.