
Enabling teams with the OWASP SAMM Skills Framework

Introduction Picture this: your team is tasked with building secure, compliant software, but you’re not sure where to begin and who to involve. In today’s cloud-driven world, even solid security plans can stall if teams don’t know what tasks they own or believe they do not have the right skills to get started. Across teams, many organizations lack a clear view on ownership and shared responsibilities, whether they work with company internal service providers or external public service providers.

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SAMM Scoring: Percent to Target and Progress to Date Metrics

SAMM Scoring: Percent to Target and Progress to Date Metrics Introduction: the “not applicable” answer A common question among SAMM users is whether specific activities, streams, or entire practices can be marked as not applicable. This seems reasonable—some security activities might not fit an organization’s current reality. For example, the Supplier Security stream focuses on supply-chain risks in outsourced development. If your organization doesn’t outsource, it might seem irrelevant. The SAMM core team acknowledges this, but emphasizes future readiness.

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Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) Mapped to OWASP SAMM The full mapping sheet between BSIMM 14 and OWASP SAMM. Introduction The Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) and OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) share a common history. Both were conceived around 2008-2009 and are based on OpenSAMM, which was created by Pravir Chandra. Over time, however, these two models have evolved independently, with distinct conceptual differences. We have previously explored these differences in detail .

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OWASP SAMM now connects to OpenCRE

We are excited to announce that each OWASP-SAMM stream now uses to link to other standards and guidelines. OpenCRE stands for Open Common Requirement Enumeration, and it aims to provide a common language and framework for mapping and comparing different security standards, guidelines, and frameworks. By linking SAMM to OpenCRE, we’ve made it easier for our users to find relevant and useful resources with every stream, as well as to see how SAMM aligns with other security standards such as NIST SSDF, ISO27K, PCI-DSS, OWASP ASVS, and NIST 800-53.

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Determining scope when implementing SAMM

When performing a SAMM assessment, should the scope be the whole organization or should it be smaller, like a business unit or even a single team or application? The short answer? Start small. Getting started Start by evaluating your goals. What do you want to achieve? Do you aim to identify and prioritize areas of improvement in your organization’s security posture? Do you seek to establish a baseline for measuring the effectiveness of your security program over time?

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How ISO and SAMM complement each other

October 2022 brought us the third revision of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. The revisions included simplifying the domains and controls, using more practical language, and introducing new controls. The addition of a separate control for “Secure Coding.” provides an opportunity to highlight how OWASP SAMM and ISO 27001 are complementary standards. In this blog post, we shine light on how they intersect and how, implemented together, you can maximize their effectiveness and value.

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The "Not Applicable" Question

The Core Team’s Thoughts Since the initial publication of SAMM 2.0, several SAMM users have asked how to address Activities or Quality Criteria they believe are not applicable to their assessment’s scope. At the recent SAMM Core Team Summit in Boston, we discussed this question at some length, and this article summarizes that conversation. The topic really involves several questions, which we’ll address one at a time. Is it valid to declare an Activity Not Applicable?

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Tackling App Security with SAMM-NIST SSDF Mapping

The Application Security Challenge The increasing dependence on software in our daily lives has made the challenge of ensuring its security more pressing. Despite being a critical concern, cybersecurity is often not a priority for organizations until there is an incident or breach. This has resulted in the cost of cyber insurance doubling in the past two years and the total cost of cybercrime in 2022 reaching $7 trillion .

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OWASP SAMM Train the Trainer

Expanding awareness of OWASP SAMM To introduce new users to the OWASP Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), the SAMM project team has presented their one-day overview training class several times each year. These classes often run in conjunction with OWASP’s global and regional conference events. The instructors for that training class - currently titled “Secure Your SDLC using OWASP SAMM - ASAP!” - have usually been the project’s leaders, Sebastien (Seba) Deleersnyder and Bart de Win, or other SAMM team members.

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Comparing BSIMM & SAMM

Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) compared to Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) A common origin BSIMM (Building Security In Maturity Model) and SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model) have similar origins dating back to a common origin back in 2008-2009. I’m frequently asked about what is similar and what is different between the two models, so I wrote up this comparison to help organizations understand which of these two models may be a better fit for their needs.

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