RESOURCES | TAGS | toolkit

SAMM assessment tools

Links to info and tools If you want to learn more about SAMM assessments, we have a couple of dedicated pages for that. First, there’s the assessment page. We also have an assessment guide, with lots of practical advice, best practices, and an example set of questions for an interview-style assessment. If you’re just looking for the links to our spreadsheets or online assessment, here they are. Spreadsheets We have 2 versions of the SAMM Toolbox, a Microsoft Excel Toolbox and a Google Spreadsheet Toolbox .

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SAMM GitHub repositories

One project, many repos After the release of SAMM v2, we moved all of our GitHub content to the OWASP SAMM GitHub organization . Here, you can find all the repositories related to the SAMM project. Some of the repos you can find there are: Core Model Website SAMMwise (assessment tool) Also, don’t miss the Discussions section, where you can pitch your ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback.

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