System Decommissioning / Legacy Management

Model | Operations | Operational Management | System Decommissioning / Legacy Management


Identification of unused of software assets or components


Identify unused applications on an ad hoc basis, either by chance observation, or by occasionally performing a review. When you identify unused applications, process those findings for further action. If you have established a formal process for decommissioning unused applications, ensure teams are aware of and use it.

Manage customer/user migration from older versions of your products for each product and customer/user group. When a product version is no longer in use by any customer/user group, discontinue support for that version. However, at this level of maturity you may have a large number of product versions in active use across the customer/user base, requiring significant developer effort to back-port product fixes.


Do you identify and remove systems, applications, application dependencies, or services that are no longer used, have reached end of life, or are no longer actively developed or supported?

Quality criteria

You do not use unsupported applications or dependencies
You manage customer/user migration from older versions for each product and customer/user group


Yes, for some applications
Yes, for at least half of the applications
Yes, for most or all of the applications


Standardized decommisioning process decreasing the risk of forgetting components


As part of decommissioning a system, application, or service, follow an established process for removing all relevant accounts, firewall rules, data, etc. from the operational environment. By removing these unused elements from configuration files, you improve the maintainability of infrastructure-as-code resources.

Follow a consistent process for timely replacement or upgrade of third-party applications, or application dependencies (e.g., operating system, utility applications, libraries), that have reached end of life.

Engage with customers and user groups for your products at or approaching end of life, to migrate them to supported versions in a timely manner.


Do you follow an established process for removing all associated resources, as part of decommissioning of unused systems, applications, application dependencies, or services?

Quality criteria

You document the status of support for all released versions of your products, in an accessible location
The process includes replacement or upgrade of third-party applications, or application dependencies, that have reached end of life
Operating environments do not contain orphaned accounts, firewall rules, or other configuration artifacts


Yes, some of the time
Yes, at least half of the time
Yes, most or all of the time


Full visibility into lifecycle of all software assets


Regularly evaluate the lifecycle state and support status of every software asset and underlying infrastructure component, and estimate their end-of-life. Follow a well-defined process for actively mitigating security risks arising as assets/components approach their end-of-life. Regularly review and update your process, to reflect lessons learned.

Establish a product support plan, providing clear timelines for ending support on older product versions. Limit product versions in active use to only a small number (e.g., N.x.x and N-1.x.x only). Establish and publicize timelines for discontinuing support on prior versions, and proactively engage with customers and user groups to prevent disruption of service or support.


Do you regularly evaluate the lifecycle state and support status of every software asset and underlying infrastructure component, and estimate their end of life?

Quality criteria

Your end of life management process is agreed upon
You inform customers and user groups of product timelines to prevent disruption of service or support
You review the process at least annually


Yes, for some of the assets
Yes, for at least half of the assets
Yes, for most or all of the assets

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